We’re always looking for new talent.
Are you dedicated, hardworking, and fun? Let’s see if we’re a good fit.
We are always looking for talented individuals to join Big Island Guide. If you are seeking a challenging and rewarding career, are passionate about helping others while working in one of the most beautiful places in the world, we want to hear from you. Please see below for open positions that we are currently hiring for and BE BIG as a member of our motivated and energetic team.
Open Positions
We do not currently have any open positions, but we’re always happy to hear from qualified candidates! If you want to be considered for future openings, we’ll review your résumé and keep you in mind if any relevant positions become available.
Contact Us
If we sound like the kind of company you’d like to be a part of — and you think you have something to contribute to our team — please Contact Us.
Are you interested in contributing?
We’re always looking for contributors to share their love of Hawaii’s Big Island.
We’re looking for in-depth travel articles that will give readers inside knowledge about the Big Island of Hawaii, including current events and travel topics. Requirements include expert knowledge of The Big Island of Hawaii, original content, ability to write in a professional, friendly tone, ability to inspire readers to visit, strong research and fact-checking skills.
Photographers and Videographers*
We’re looking for Photography and Video contributors on the Big Island of Hawaii. Requirements include original content related to the Big Island of Hawaii, professional quality.
*Please note that all contributions are on a freelance basis. Acceptance of contributions is at the sole discretion of Big Island Guide and submitting an article, video or photo does not guarantee publication or obligate Big Island Guide to purchase. Please Contact Us if you would like to contribute.